Done is Better Than Perfect

Heads Up: This is part 2 of a 5-part series. We’ve done our best to make each article stand alone but, you’ll get the most from this content if you start at the beginning.

When we met Larry in the first part of this series, he sat burning the midnight oil, entrenched in his ongoing efforts to perfect his product design.

But his meticulous attention to detail, while admirable, was starting to show its cracks.

Larry’s journey, like those of countless entrepreneurs before him, had become a drain on his spirit.

No matter how many hours he put in, he struggled to make meaningful progress on his Big Idea.

Worse still, the path he found himself on now looked nothing like what he’d imagined — where once he found sunshine and rainbows, he now saw a thicket of thorn bushes on a bed of quicksand, surrounded by mega-vipers.

The trouble is, like so many heroes, Larry believes in perfection, in craftsmanship, and in “getting it right the first time.” But days turn to weeks, months, and years… 

And his big, beautiful, life-changing idea remains perpetually “in progress.” 

Larry wonders how long he can keep going.

With every design flaw, or interesting new angle he discovers, Larry finds himself back at square one, grappling with the same systemic problems — and burning more resources by the hour.

And there’s no guarantee he’ll realize his mistake before he runs out of time and resources.

Larry’s all-too-familiar story paints a vivid picture of the pitfalls of traditional development:

  • Escalating costs
  • Inflexible designs
  • Delayed timelines
  • Lost opportunities

If he could observe his situation objectively, from the outside, Larry would easily see that the “get it right before launch” approach inevitably turns into more of a trap than a path to success.

It leads to building the perfect ramp before checking that your wheels are attached to the bike.

But when you’re caught up in the Big Idea, factors like that can be nearly impossible to notice.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be this way.

There is a different path.

One whose sign reads: Done is Better than Perfect.

Where mile markers are critical points of user feedback, providing priceless fuel for the journey.

If Larry was willing to take his incomplete offer, and share it with the right audience, he might realize that his customers want to be involved in shaping the product.

But it takes courage to share incomplete ideas, doesn’t it?

Think back to what Jasper was up to in the opening scene of part one

He was wrapping up another successful project, right?

How is it that Jasper is cranking out project after project, while Larry is still stuck perfecting his one Big Idea?

How can you avoid finding yourself in Larry’s shoes?

The first step is the hardest one to take, because…

It starts with accepting that you might be wrong about what people want.

I mean it.

Your success rests on your ability to be objective.

See, rather than overemphasize his opinions and intuition, Jasper knows a data-driven approach is not only better, it’s essential — because it keeps him in check.

Accurate data acts like a compass, pointing toward true north, the top of the mountain, our ultimate destination.

Jasper accepts that innovation is not about being right.

It’s about learning


Improving steadily, iteratively, and relentlessly.

And still, it’s going to take more than data to help Larry.

He’ll need to embrace an entirely new approach to development, one that allows for flexibility, encourages innovation, and optimizes growth.

Which is exactly what Rapid Prototyping allows for.

As Larry grapples with the problems of his traditional approach, Jasper’s method allows him the freedom of learning and adjusting as he goes, making his journey more efficient, and his path to success more direct.

The contrast between their states is striking.

Larry is anxious. Jasper is excited.

Larry is stressed. Jasper is prepared.

Larry is stuck. Jasper is preparing to embark on a yet another new project.

What’s the difference?

Their approach to product development.

Rapid Prototyping places Jasper in a world where growth is not just a goal but a daily reality, where ideas come to life, and where his business can thrive.

Without being sloppy, the fundamental mindset shift is: reach a point of “ready to test” as quickly as possible. 

For some, this may mean they need to set ego and assumptions aside — for others, it may mean simplifying the idea down to its essentials.

Either way, iteration is the name of the game.

So, as we leave Larry grappling with the problems of traditional design, we turn our attention to Jasper. What can we learn from his approach?

How does he navigate the challenges that Larry is struggling with?

How does he use rapid prototyping to his advantage?

In fact, before we close this article out, here’s a quick assignment for you:

Imagine Larry as an aspiring indie developer, who has an idea he thinks his people will love.

Does he need to have his idea finished before he can start selling it?

Write your answer down, we’ll talk about it more in the next part of this series, because the future of your business lies in your ability to adapt, innovate, and grow.

Click below when you’re ready to continue…

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