Vision to Venture:
Rapid Prototyping for Entrepreneurs

Heads Up: This series borrows characters from the series: The Entrepreneur’s Quest. You don’t have to read it first, but, if you want the backstory, click that link and come back after. 

If you opt not to, no worries, you’ll get to know the characters as we reference them. Enjoy!

Hunched over his oak desk, with a kaleidoscope of design drafts scattered before him, Larry sank into his chair. The glowing devices painting his concentration in somber tones, casting long shadows over the room.

The time had come to face the fact that his Quest wasn’t going so well.

Weeks had passed, and here he was, still trying to perfect his product, adamant about crafting something impressive, feature-rich, and immaculate.

Yet, the finish line seemed as distant as ever.

Across town, Jasper, an equally ambitious, exceptionally innovative entrepreneur, was wrapping up another successful project — already setting his sights on the next venture, eager and ready for the challenge.

Same industry.

Same vertical.

Same burning ambition to succeed.

Yet the results couldn’t be more different.

What sets Jasper apart?

We won’t make you wait for the big reveal…

The answer is a process called Rapid Prototyping.

Once you recognize it, you’ll see this process everywhere at Wabbit — because it is a powerful, reliable way to give your brilliant ideas a tangible, testable form, swiftly, and with near-unbelievable agility.

It is the same process we used to build Wabbit itself.

This approach allows you to touch, feel, and test ideas (and offers) before they’re ready to “officially” meet the world.

Better still, it allows any business to do those things without the heavy shackles of loans, investment partners, or other financial constraints.

But don’t mistake the speed of the process for haste.

Wabbits aren’t hasty.

This isn’t about rushing, it’s about efficiency.

It’s about accepting that a product laden with features isn’t always better, especially when introducing it to the world for the first time.

The brilliance of an idea lies not in its sexy complexity but in its utility and value.

To Jasper, and the rest of us Wabbits, failures and mistakes aren’t a drain on your resources. They are stepping stones to the inevitable perfection of your offer.

In our world, iteration is the name of the game because it enables us to improve, and evolve offers at a blistering pace, allowing to stay significantly ahead of the curve, and avoid disasters along the way.

Here’s the big problem:

The average entrepreneur starts with their grand vision, insisting they build it all out at once before they are willing to go make a sale. 

It is a classic mistake, and by the end of our story, you will understand why their approach is doomed to fail.

Soon, we will talk about testing assumptions, getting insights fast, and involving our customers in shaping the process of shaping our product. Because we learn from that data and iterate based on those insights.

That’s the approach Jasper embraces, and it works.

Our mission is to ensure you understand why.

Through the story of our two favorite entrepreneurs, we will show you how this fundamental process can save you significant time, and money — two assets that no business can afford to squander.

In their contrasting stories, you’ll encounter a series of mental models, each offering to add to your ability to adapt to changes at the drop of a hat.

It is on you to embrace, and adopt them.

In the Socratic dialogue “Republic,” Plato famously wrote: “our need will be the real creator.” Over time, this evolved into the English proverb “necessity is the mother of invention.”

The famous songwriter Stephen Sondheim meant the same when he said “content dictates form.”

Applied to our topic, this idea means need will dictate the shape of the eventual asset you build.

The data-driven approaches we are about to discuss allow Wabbit to focus on need, and make only what is widely valuable to our people.

That point is utterly critical to understanding, and replicating, the success we’ve generated for so many of our clients.

In this series, you will learn how to test the waters without sinking your ship.

How to experiment without fear.

How to pull off your big audacious dream faster, and for less investment than you ever thought possible.

Along the way, we are going to share critical first principles which, if internalized, have incredible potential to serve you well (across disciplines) for the rest of your life.

And no, rapid prototyping isn’t confined to the realm of software development. It’s for any project that can benefit from quick feedback and iterative improvements.

Which is pretty much all of them.

To the Larry’s of the world, this process will look like little more than guesswork. By the end of this series, you will know differently — and you’ll never want to go back.

If you’re ready, let’s get started.

Click “keep reading” to continue.

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