In hindsight, I wish we’d been filming it…

We weren’t considering sharing the work with the world… 

Not back then.

Traditionally, marketing agencies are fortresses, guarding their secrets with an iron fist, and a big invoice.

We do things differently now.

Lean in.

We’ve torn down the walls, and now we want you to join us on this incredible journey.

I’m about to share a secret with you…

It is an absolute bedrock practice in our industry.

It’s our foundation, our secret weapon, the magic wand that can turn even the most inexperienced copywriter into a smooth-talking scribe who can stir hearts and captivate minds.

This is possibly the only critical “secret” in the toolbox.

I’m talking about creating Avatars.

(In the context of marketing, avatars, personas, and archetypes all refer to the same thing: a conceptual tool which makes it easier to develop valuable work that resonates with the people we aim to serve.)

I intend to show you everything about this preposterously potent practice, including …

  • How we create them
  • Why we create them
  • How they assemble into an asset that can exponentially increase your profitability

Once you see what’s happening under the surface here, it can change how you approach your business, and its marketing, forever.

The context of the story is simple:

The Wabbits had two segments of people to represent.

One segment = One avatar

The gap between these two segments represents The Hero’s Journey for our tribe.

If you’re unfamiliar with The Hero’s Journey, this short video summarizes the concept well. Watch it, then read on:

During our avatar creation process, I noticed a reflection of my own journey. It was as if each step of the process mirrored the stages of my own entrepreneurial path.

And it wasn’t just me. Every member of the Wabbit team could trace their own experiences onto the same journey.


They say that when something is True, it is universal.

Here’s an example:

We all know, universally, that working our asses off only to feel we are getting nowhere, sucks. It is the definition of being stuck in “the grind,” and it is not the best path to a fulfilling life.

The trouble is, finding our best path toward success often feels impossible — like getting lost in the wilderness, in a raging storm, without a compass, a map or a clue.

Like one of Wabbit’s avatars, many entrepreneurs are navigating blindfolded, trying to piece together tactic-focused “solutions” on the fly.

All the while, they remain oblivious to the monsters lurking in the shadows, ready to sabotage their dreams.

Today, the Wabbits are turning on the light.

We’re peeling back the curtain on our creative process, and the why and how behind the deliberate world-building that shapes our brand, beginning with the humble avatar.

Before we proceed, let’s agree to define an Avatar as:

A singular character which embodies the specific group we aim to speak to.

Two avatars represent the majority of Wabbit’s tribe.

(Broadly speaking, these are indie developers and budding entrepreneurs on their quest for success and freedom.)

These avatars serve a critical purpose. They aid us in the writing process, helping us craft the personalized narrative which illuminates the path for our audience. 

In our case, the gap between them points the way to a better mindset, a shift away from stale thought patterns to fresher, more productive ones.

They create an allegory, a story which points a path forward for our people.

Within the gap between our avatars we catch a glimpse of the benefits that come with shedding our broken mental models, and adopting those which serve us better.

In the coming pages, I’ll introduce you to our two avatars and the transformative mental shift that sets them apart.

If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable, as if I’m talking about you, it’s because I’ve been there too.

Each member of the Wabbit tribe has lived the story. 

We’ve run the gauntlet. 

We know the terrain.

Together, we can elevate your business and your life to new heights, but only if you’re willing to put in the work. 

It’s not for everyone. 

It requires courage, persistence, and resilience.

Most will give up before the finish line.


If you only take one thing from what you read here, and really let it affect you, let it be this:

No matter who we are today, we can evolve.

We can answer the call to adventure.

We can set out on our quest, at any time we choose.

Along the way, we will be shown blind spots we never knew we had — and we will have to endure whatever it means to accept them, if we want to move forward.

We will have to admit that there is a problem with our current state, and that we need to upgrade the mental models we are currently working with.

But only if you’re sure you want to follow this road.

Because you need to be sure.

Entrepreneurship is really hard.

In the beginning, we trade a 9-to-5 for a 24/7, with no way to guarantee that it will work.

Don’t dismiss how intimidating that trade can be.

It sounds scary, because it is scary.

The entrepreneur’s path is too risky for most.

We might fail. We probably will fail.

Failure looms large, and stress is a constant companion, even when things seem to be going well.

If the security of a 9-to-5 job is more appealing, that’s perfectly fine. We understand the allure of consistency, stability.

It’s a path walked by many, and it’s a path that society needs.

There’s no judgment here, only respect.

Yet, if the chains of the conventional 9-to-5 system chafe at your spirit, the call to adventure may be whispering to you:

Are you in, or out?”

There’s no middle ground.

The entrepreneurial path is a leap of faith.

A plunge into the unknown. 

It’s daunting, 

It’s exhilarating. 

A journey of self-discovery, of pushing boundaries, challenging conventions, and defying odds.

If you’re done with the soulless 9-to-5… 

If the whispers of entrepreneurship are getting louder… 

Allow me to introduce you to a friend of ours, someone who may feel strangely familiar. There’s a better-than-zero chance that you two have something in common.

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